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Monday, 22 January 2018
FBI Dog Ate the Evidence Excuse, 1992b
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Clapper About to Escape Perjury Charges, 1991b
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Joe diGenova – Brazen Plot to Frame Trump, 1990
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Judge Jeanine on the FISA Memo, 1989
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Swedish Muslim Opposes More Migrants, 1987
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Friday, 19 January 2018
Wikileaks Will Match $1Million For FISA Memo, 1985
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Wikileaks Will Match $1Million For FISA Memo, 1985 Good evening, I’m still reporting on: Apple To Start Moving IPhone Production To USA Apple Computer’s CEO, Tim Cook has asked two of its largest Chinese IPhone assemblers to start preparing plans to move production to the U.S. According to...
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Bombshell Doc Will End Mueller Probe, 1984
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Bombshell Doc Will End Mueller Probe, 1984 Good evening, I’m still reporting on: Bombshell Doc Will End Mueller Probe, 1984 Synopsis: Good evening. I’m still reporting on the coup. A long-awaited bombshell classified document was dropped on Congress today that has Democrats scurrying for the shadows and Republicans...
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Flaky Sen Jeff Flake Calls Trump Stalin, 1983
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Flaky Sen Jeff Flake Calls Trump Stalin, 1983 Synopsis: Outgoing Senator Flaky Jeff Flake lived up to his name today in spades. He spent today putting the finishing touches on a rollicking anti-Trumper speech which he pulled off with a straight face. [insert 1] Senator Flake it is...
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Surprise! Twitter DMs Are Not Private!, 1982
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Surprise! Twitter DMs Are Not Private!, 1982 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Surprise! Twitter DMs Are Not Private!, 1982 Synopsis: James O’Keefe appeared on Hannity tonight to talk about his recent penetration of Twitter and the Project Veritas videos he is releasing. [insert] All Republicans are from...
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Russia Destroys World’s First Drone Swarm Attack, 1981
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Russia Destroys World’s First Drone Swarm Attack, 1981 Synopsis: The Russian military stationed in western Syria fought off the world’s first militarized swarm of drones the night of Jan. 5th-6th. As darkness fell Russian radar detected a swarm of 13 drones headed towards two of their bases from...
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Why They Are Calling Trump a Racist, 1980
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Why They Are Calling Trump a Racist, 1980 Synopsis: Why are the Desperate Dems so determined to brand the tag “racist” onto President Trump. Everyone who knows him has said just what he says, “He is the least racist person you have ever interviewed.” Well, sad to say,...
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DOJ’s IG Report May Explode on Monday, 1979
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! SR 1353 – Apple To Start Moving iPhone Production To USA Good evening, I’m still reporting on: Apple To Start Moving IPhone Production To USA Apple Computer’s CEO, Tim Cook has asked two of its largest Chinese IPhone assemblers to start preparing plans to move production to the U.S....
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FBI Baffled by Encryption, 1978
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! FBI Baffled by Encryption, 1978 Good evening, I’m still reporting on: FBI Baffled by Encryption, 1978 Synopsis: New FBI Director Christopher Wray, speaking on Tuesday at a cyber-security conference in New York, said that powerful encryption tools now becoming widely available are frustrating his agency. Surprise, surprise; last...
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Mike Pence Rescues Iraqi Christians, 1977
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Mike Pence Rescues Iraqi Christians, 1977 According to the Washington Free Beacon, Vice President Mike Pence has caused State Department money to be shifted around to bring much-needed relief to persecuted Christians in the Iraqi city of Nineva after being devastated by the ISIS terror army. In an...
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Trump vs the 5th Grade Tattletales, 1976
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Trump vs the 5th Grade Tattletales, 1976 Synopsis:Democrats have completely lost touch with the concept of forgoing some possible small, short-term political gain at the expense of the welfare of the nation as a whole. Yes, even presidents talk the way President Trump reportedly talked in a small...
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DANGER Trump Should Not Talk to Mueller, 1970
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Iran Arrests Former President for Sedition, 1969
The post Iran Arrests Former President for Sedition, 1969 appeared first on .
I Didn’t Call Don Trump Jr Treasonous, 1968
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1967, Judge Jeanine Blasts Clinton Foundation, 1967
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! 1967, Judge Jeanine Blasts Clinton Foundation, 1967 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Judge Jeanine Blasts Clinton Foundation, 1967 Synopsis: Last night, Judge Jeanine blasted the Clinton Foundation and lauded Attorney General Jeff Sessions for finally doing something in opening up the Clinton Foundation to a real investigation....
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1966, How NSA’s Adm Rogers Stopped the Coup, 1966
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! NSA's Adm Rogers Stopped Coup Link to original story: Synopsis: I’ve spent all day trying to boil down a very comprehensive new article by a national security writer named Sundance, writing in The Last Refuge, that absolutely blasts the Obama/Clinton Crime Syndicate coup with the best report...
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The End For Clinton Finally Begins, 1964
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! The End For Clinton Finally Begins, 1964 Synopsis: The beginning of the end of the CCC – the Clinton Crime Cabal – has finally begun. According to a new report, the Justice Department has reopened the investigation into not only Hillary Clinton’s abuse of classified material, but apparently...
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Monday, 15 January 2018
Iran Erupts in All Out Street War, 1963
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Iran Erupts in All Out Street War, 1963 Synopsis: The Iranian people aren’t giving up. They are willing to fight for their freedom with only their fists and a few rocks. This incredible video was taken on New Year’s Day, then smuggled out of the country. It shows...
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Newt – Dems Will NOT Sweep 2018 Elections, 1962
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Newt – Dems Will NOT Sweep 2018 Elections, 1962 Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on: Newt – Dems Will NOT Sweep 2018 Elections, 1962 Synopsis: Yesterday, the new Democrat talking point became that there would be a Democrat landslide in next November’s elections. These talking points are powerful...
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Tomorrow is Pivotal Day for Clinton Crime Cabal, 1961
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Tomorrow is Pivotal Day for Clinton Crime Cabal, 1961 Good evening, I’m still reporting on: Tomorrow is Pivotal Day for Clinton Crime Cabal, 1961 Synopsis: Congressman Ron DeSantis blasted the Clinton Crime Cabal as they desperately are trying to change the subject to anything other than the Trump...
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Protests in Iran Explode, 1959
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Protests in Iran Explode, 1959 Good morning, I’m still reporting on Iran. Anti-regime protests in Iran picked up steam today. It was the 4rd day of spontaneous, unsanctioned protests in spreading across the country now against President Rouhani’s government as Trump-backed sanctions start to bite into the struggling...
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Was FBI’s McCabe a Russian Spy?, 1958
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Was FBI's McCabe a Russian Spy?, 1958 Synopsis: Why did these coup plotters decide to risk it all by going after Donald Trump? The answer that is materializing is that they had no choice. Remember when Hillary Clinton said that if she lost the election they would all swing...
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FBI Searched Sherliff David Clarke’s Emails, 1957
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! FBI Searched Sherliff David Clarke's Emails, 1957 Good evening, I’m still reporting on: FBI Searched Sheriff David Clarke's Emails, 1957 Synopsis: According to this evening’s Washington Examiner, the FBI obtained a search warrant to snoop into the personal emails of former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke in March,...
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Is Clinton Still Running the DOJ?, 1956
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Is Clinton Still Running the DOJ?, 1956 Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on: Is Clinton Still Running the DOJ?, 1956 Synopsis: Tom Fitton is really disappointed in his inability to get simple documentation out of the FBI and Department of Justice. “The Stonewall is 100 feet high.” Fitton...
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