Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Take a Knee

Do you have a right to take a knee in protest? Of course you do - because you live in the greatest country on earth that gives you that right.

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Thursday, 7 September 2017

N. Korea Boasts of EMP Bomb

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! N. Korea Boasts of EMP Bomb Synopsis: In the wake of North Korea’s latest nuclear weapons test, which they claim was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb, he official communist party newspaper of North Korea, Rodong Sinmum, claims that North Korea has plans to use its nuclear weapons...

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Japan Prepares to Evacuate 60k from South Korea

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Japan Prepares to Evacuate 60k from South Korea Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Japan Prepares to Evacuate 60k from South Korea, 1779 Synopsis: Nikkei Asian News is reporting that Japan’s government is asking both South Korea and the U.S. for cooperation should they decide to try to evacuate...

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Trump Rescinds DACA

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Trump Rescinds DACA Synopsis: Attorney General Jeff Sessions just announced the demise of the DACA program. The unconstitutional program which was originally implemented by President Obama in contravention of the express will of Congress, provided benefits, such as social security benefits to the children of illegal aliens. Naturally, the...

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Judge Jeanine – Impanel a Grand Jury for Hillary and Comey

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Judge Jeanine – Impanel a Grand Jury for Hillary and Comey Subscribe

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Google – Most Powerful Monopoly in History

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Google - Most Powerful Monopoly in History Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Google - Most Powerful Monopoly in History, 1776 Synopsis: Last night Tucker Carlson and his guest started to draw back the curtain on one of the most under-reported stories of the most massive monopoly in American...

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Despite Deep State Blocks, Trump Sails On To DACA

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Despite Deep State Blocks, Trump Sails On To DACA Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Despite Deep State Blocks, Trump Sails On To DACA, 1775 Synopsis: A supporter wrote in today and said the following. His words are so right on, I just have to repeat them. Why hasn't...

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Comey Must Be Held to Account

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Comey Must Be Held to Account Synopsis: The latest revelation on the quickly-deepening FBI scandal is that FBI Director James Comey drafted Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement months before 17 prime witnesses, including Clinton, herself, were even interviewed. Presidential Attorney Jay Sukelow and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleicher...

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Chaffetz – FBI & Justice Are Above the Law

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Chaffetz - FBI & Justice Are Above the Law Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Chaffetz - FBI & Justice Are Above the Law, 1773 Synopsis: Well, for those who think that Pres. Trump has been elected, and therefore everything is just fine in the swamp, you had better...

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