Friday, 30 June 2017

Beth on CNN

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Beth on CNN Subscribe

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Presidential Voter Fraud Panel Starts

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Presidential Voter Fraud Panel Starts Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on: Presidential Voter Fraud Panel Starts, 1692 Synopsis: Vice President Mike Pence yesterday had an organizational call with the new members of the election fraud panel that President Trump asked to be created. The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election...

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Bitcoin is NOT a Bubble

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Bitcoin is NOT a Bubble Synopsis: Now, I’m the worst person imaginable from whom to take investment advice – UNLESS you understand that my record on investment advice is nearly perfect – perfectly wrong! Ya see, I have this theory that God’s hand is on me and He knows...

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Deep State is Self Destructing

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Deep State is Self Destructing Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Deep State is Self Destructing, 1690 Synopsis: The pieces of the Deep State puzzle are finally coming together. Sure, a lot more will be revealed, but it now looks like the key puzzle piece behind the anti-Trump movement...

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What Are Libs Saying About Judge Gorsuch?

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! What Are Libs Saying About Judge Gorsuch? Subscribe

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Is Columbus Day Bad?

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Is Columbus Day Bad? Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Is Columbus Day Bad?, 1688 Synopsis: Believe it or not, one of the next things up on the chopping block is Columbus Day. Somewhere between the time I was in elementary school and the time my kids hit that...

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Supremes Approve Trump Travel Ban 9-0

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Anti Trump is Collapsing

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Anti Trump is Collapsing Synopsis: I love it when Tucker Carlson has on his program on Fox, military historian, professor Victor Davis Hanson, to provide the 50,000-foot view of ongoing events.   Well, to me, the dam-breaking event was the Supremes providing President Trump with a unanimous victory on...

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Monday, 26 June 2017

CNN – No More Trump:Russia Stories w:out Approval

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Sen Grassley – Comey Colluded With Clinton

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Sen Grassley - Comey Colluded With Clinton Synopsis: Senator Chuck Grassley took to the Senate floor on Thursday and delivered a blistering indictment of already disgraced former FBI Director Jim Comey, for colluding with Hillary Clinton help her in her election battle with Donald Trump.   Grassley also proved...

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Bernie Sanders & Wife Under Investigation

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Bernie Sanders & Wife Under Investigation Synopsis: Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane, have both hired well-known attorneys due to an ongoing criminal investigation by the FBI and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), over whether Jane Sanders, while she was president of Burlington College – falsified a loan...

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Scientists Testing New Life Extension Techniques

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Scientists Testing New Life Extension Techniques, 1682 Please watch the video to learn more! Subscribe

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Dems Trapped by Their Russia Conspiracy

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Dems Trapped by Their Russia Conspiracy, 1681 Synopsis: Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the Clintons. On Wednesday, former Sec. of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson told the House Intelligence Committee that he was mystified that the Democratic National Committee rejected the help of the FBI and...

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Why Feminists Don’t Decry Sharia?

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Why Feminists Don't Decry Sharia?, 1680 Synopsis: One of the most mystifying anomalies of today’s political life is how easily so-called feminists have been willing to totally ignore a hundred years of women’s rights struggles in order to go along with the pack and be accepting of Sharia law....

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Karen Handel Crushes Ossoff in Georgia’s 6th

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Karen Handel Crushes Ossoff in Georgia’s 6th Synopsis: Former Georgia Secretary of State, Karen Handel has won a crushing 3.8% come-from-behing victory over a 30-year-old Democrat without political qualifications, who didn’t even live in the district - Jon Ossoff - in the final special election of the year.  ...

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Mueller Loves Hillary

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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

The Cancer Within The Special Council

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! The Cancer Within The Special Council The evidence is rapidly mounting that Trump was right again in branding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office as a witch hunt in search of a crime, according to Sara Carter of Circa News and Fox New’s Gregg Jarrett. Subscribe

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Monday, 19 June 2017

Dr Bill Warner – The Jihad

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Dr. Bill Warner - The Jihad Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Dr Bill Warner - The Jihad, 1676 Subscribe

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Judge Jeanine Defeating the Trump Coup

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Judge Jeanine Defeating the Trump Coup Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Judge Jeanine Defeating the Trump Coup, 1675 Subscribe

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President Trump’s Weekly Message

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! President Trump's Weekly Message Good evening, I’m still reporting on: President Trump's Weekly Message, June 16, 2017 Subscribe

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The Fed is Working Against Trump

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! The Fed is Working Against Trump The Federal Reserve is joining the Deep State by not doing President Trump any economic favors. This week, the Fed voted to raise the benchmark interest rate again by another one-quarter of a percent – the third rate increase this year – and...

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Putin Offers Political Asylum to James Comey

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Putin Offers Political Asylum to James Comey According to National Public Radio – NPR – Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday offered James Comey political asylum in similar fashion as he did for Edward Snowden, because he thinks Comey may face criminal prosecution in the U.S.     Putin made...

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Why Was Scalise Shot

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Why Was Scalise Shot Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Why Was Scalise Shot, 1671 Synopsis: Good morning I’m still reporting on the coup. Why was representative Steve Scalise shot on Wednesday morning, just two days ago? When the gunman took aim at a baseball field full of Republicans...

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The E U Favors Terrorists

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! The E U Favors Terrorists Synopsis: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says that the globalists in the European Union are siding with terrorists.   The comment was made in regard to an EU resolution which protested the verdict of 10 years imprisonment to an asylum seeker named Ahmed H,...

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Robert Mueller Has Got to Go

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Hannity - Robert Mueller Has Got to Go Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Sean Hannity & company says that Robert Mueller has got to go. Subscribe

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Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Cong. Steve Scalise Shot

Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Cong. Steve Scalise Shot Synopsis: The third-most-powerful Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, Steve Scalise from Lousiana, was shot at 7:09 this morning at a Congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia near the western bank of the Potomac river about 6 miles from the U.S. Capitol.   The...

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Saturday, 10 June 2017

Tucker: Trump:Russia WAS a Coup Attempt

Synopsis: Last night, an outraged Tucker Carlson took to the Fox News airwaves and pointed out that what former FBI Director, Jim Comey had done the day before was to actually admit that the entire Trump/Russia collusion theory

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Comey Admits Trump Never Under Investigation

Synopsis: Today, former FBI Director Jim Comey testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and admitted that President Trump was right again. He was never under investigation by the FBI.

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GOP Candidate Closing in GA Race

The last special election for Congress is coming up in only 11 days contesting Georgia’s 6th Congressional District. But did you know that it is already the most expensive Congressional race in history? Already $29.7 dollars has been spent on TV advertising alone as of May 6 – over a month ago.

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Comey Admits Trump Never Under Investigation

Synopsis: Today, former FBI Director Jim Comey testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and admitted that President Trump was right again. He was never under investigation by the FBI.

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Eric Trump’s Outrage

Synopsis: Good evening, I’m still reporting on Trump.
Donald Trump’s 2nd son, Eric, is a mild-mannered guy – not given to anger or outrage – until last night on Hannity.

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NSA Whistleblower Sues Comey

Synopsis: It’s a scandal that is way bigger than Watergate. It also proves that NSA whistleblower Bill Binney was right. We first reported it 75 days ago in SR 1555.

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Britain Has Finally Had Enough

Synopsis: A former London Metropolitan Police chief has accused the government of lying about the number of armed officers on the streets in the wake of the Friday’s London Bridge terror attack.
Peter Kirkham, a former chief inspector between 1981 and 2002, told Sky News:
“… the streets of London have been lost [to knife crime.]

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Supremes Will Rule on Dirty Elections

Synopsis: Good evening, I’m still reporting on Election Cleanups.
According to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, the Supreme Court has decided to take a Judicial Watch case to reverse a lower court decision to not allow Ohio to clean up their election roles of dead people, people who have moved out of the district, etc.
Dirty election roles are one of the left’s ways to steal elections with fraudulent voters.

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Sunday, 4 June 2017

President Trump’s Weekly Message

Good morning, I’m still reporting on President Trump's Weekly Message, June 2, 1660

Synopsis: President Trump summarizes his 1st trip abroad.

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Trump Saves the Day – Again!

Synopsis: After weeks of rumors that Ivanka may have persuaded him to take some halfway measure, President Donald Trump announced a full-bore withdrawal from the most disastrous of the international agreements – the Paris Climate Accord.

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Tucker Carlson & Mark Stein on Clinton’s Excuses

Synopsis: Tucker Carlson and British political humorist Mark Stein blew the doors off of Hillary Clinton’s excuse-a-thon for why she lost to Trump. One second it was 1,000 Russian agents in the U.S. and the next, it was a furtive group of Macedonian hacker geniuses working against her.

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NASA Test – Multi-Colored Clouds for Mid-Atlantic

Synopsis: How about something a little lighter than my usual faire?
If all goes as planned early risers tomorrow morning along the Mid-Atlantic of the U.S. may see a very colorful NASA high-altitude test.

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$100k Bitcoin in 10 Years

Synopsis: According to an analyst who correctly predicted that Bitcoin would hit $2,000 this year, told CNBC yesterday that Bitcoin could hit $100,000 in the next 10 years.

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Thursday, 1 June 2017

Startling New Evidence of Trump Russia Connection

Liz Wheeler of One America News Network put together this eye-popping new report.

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Why No Investigation Into Seth Rich?

Despite all the furor and a continuing stream of revelations – both true and false – over the death of DNC Data Director Seth Rich last July 10th, why has nothing been done. Why is Congress silent on the matter? Why do Congress-folk quake in fear at the very mention of his name?

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